Yep, it's Steampunk. I went there. I hopped on the popular, Victorian-style and somewhat futuristic, bandwagon. I'm appealing to the masses.....and my own tastes as well.
I really like Steampunk. It makes no sense whatsoever really, but it appeals to a weird romantic fascination we all seem to have with this strange Victorian Era/Future hybrid. And like everybody else, I got sucked up into the fantasy as well. I'm a little ashamed to say I've become quite obsessed with it, but- don't worry- I didn't go too overboard with drawing it. You can expect as little as 2-3 more Steampunk pictures, coming soon to an online store near you! :)
There's not much to say about this piece. It took me a very long time to finish her, but that wasn't due to any difficulty with the picture, I just procrastinated a bunch(I know, I'm very bad.). The clock was a little annoying, especially the chain, but only because it was super tedious, which- as I've stated in a previous post, I believe- I'm not very good at being patient and taking my time. But it all came through in the end and Voila! We have the Clockwork Sniper.