Friday, March 23, 2012

Back in Time, to a Different Era

Yay! It's "New Pictures" time! I have two new lovely designs for you today and I'm very proud of both of them(even though I spent sooo very long on them because I procrastinated so much).

The first image is the second geisha I've been promising you for quite some time. She is titled "Lotus Dreams" and I'm just in love. I still prefer the original "Blossoming Geisha", but I'm still really happy with how "Lotus" came out. This project was actually very simple and I didn't have any problems with it, but, jeez, was it tedious. I could only stand to color a few minutes at a time, which is why it took so long. My patience is really my greatest enemy when it comes to my art(that and my short attention span :P). But, I managed to push through and came out with a really great piece.

The second image I have for you is quite different from "Lotus Dreams". This buxom pirate captain is "My Proud Metallic Beauty", but I'm not 100% in love with the title, so I'm probably gonna wind up changing, most likely multiple times. Title aside, I love her! She's the second installment in my steampunk collection. I'll eventually make another one, but for now it's just "Clockwork Sniper" and this lovely lass. I don't think I've ever had as much fun coloring a picture as I did this one. There were so many different textures involved, such as wood, metal, cloth, glass, etc. It was super fun to try out different techniques to get the material just right. The tiny little gears on her shoulder and peg leg were the best. I was freaking out over them and how fun they were to do. I also went out of my comfort zone with this one because I don't often do technology and I definitely don't do guns. Whenever I usually do pistols, they turn out really weird looking but this one just flowed from the pencil and came out perfect(in my opinion anyways). Everything about her just came together and made for a very relaxing and rewarding project.

Both of these pieces are up in my store ( and are eagerly waiting for you to adopt them and bring them home with you. Don't disappoint them! :)

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